Discover fun and engaging STEM activities for primary students in Jeddah. Explore hands-on experiments that foster creativity, problem-solving, and a passion for science, technology, engineering, and math.
Learn how to talk to primary school students about tragedies with care and sensitivity. Discover age-appropriate strategies to provide support, reassurance, and emotional guidance.
Discover how to choose the perfect international school for your child. From understanding their needs to evaluating curriculum, culture, and extracurriculars, find tips to make this important decision with ease.
Discover how bilingual education in Jeddah empowers children by teaching Arabic and English. Learn how it enhances brain development, cultural connection, and global success for young learners.
Explore the benefits of physical books vs. digital reading in shaping young minds in Jeddah! Learn how physical books enhance comprehension, vocabulary, and focus while balancing modern digital tools in early education.
Watch our students grow with our new greenhouse! Learn about the benefits of school gardening, from improved academic performance to enhanced social skills.
Roya Al-Ebtikar prepares teachers for the best academic year. Learn about our teachers training, focus on student well-being, and commitment to excellence.
Welcome to Roya web page! We’re a new primary school in Jeddah, but our teachers, staff, and administrators have decades of experience working in education.